23 December 2021

The gift of the health crisis: the glimmer of a working world humane and full of values

The health crisis has turned the way of many people’s lives upside down. But like any revolution, the crisis has brought with it some beneficial rethinking. In the context of this Christmas season, we can say that it has brought back traditions on a certain number of professional levels, after decades of racing towards globalization, digitalization and financialization of the economic world.
23 December 2021

« Sustainable leadership »: myth or reality in 2022? Towards a new era of talent management?

Sustainable leadership seems to be the new buzzword, but what are we talking about? Does it imply that in the upper echelons of corporate decision-making, the leader’s main objective today is to last through the display of declarations of intent on corporate social responsibility?
23 December 2021

TOD creates the Human Capital Development Indicator – IKVH

To measure the impact of all its actions with its clients, thanks to its profiling and man-job suitability measurement tools in terms of commitment dynamics, TOD has developed an indicator to measure an organization’s performance in terms of human capital development.
15 July 2021

Human resources: expenses or assets of the company?

Human resources: expenses or assets of the company? Historically, the observation is unanimously shared: from Jean Bodin’s “there is no wealth but men”, an economic philosopher in the 16th century, to the modern theory of human capital, which won the Nobel Prize for Economics to their authors Schultz and Becker, the importance of the human […]
19 March 2021

AI at the service of meaningful and humane management for committed employees and more efficient companies.

We believe in “A world where man uses AI to become more human”: indeed, AI can allow us to no longer look at, scan, and evaluate the men and women of the company as resources, but to consider them through their human values as real actors, builders and integral parts of the company. Nowadays, companies […]
25 November 2020

The crisis and its consequences on management impose a change management integrating mainspring and human values

The health crisis has undermined teams and put the mainspring of companies and the need for organizations to be anchored in their fundamental human values back at the center of strategic issues. This crisis has accelerated the transformation of the world of work, with new ways of working together, the faster-than-expected emergence of new professions […]


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